Friday, October 13, 2006

30 Theses (Give or Take): A Ramblin' Rant in Helpful Bullet Point Format

The following is an informal list of basic principles relating to discipleship and "doing church" that I try to think and live by. I share them only because I think, whether I'm right or wrong in my assessments, that the issues themselves are very important. Every generation must wrestle with the way it lives and presents the Gospel to a dying world. Every generation must put walking shoes on its theology, so to speak, and in some cases, helmets and body armor. (And in some cases, take the armor off.) This is my little way, in my little corner of my little world, of nailing my little Post-It to my little Wittenburg door.

1. Discipleship is designed to be experienced in community. God saves individuals, but He does not save them to an individual faith but to a kingdom life populated with other citizens who share that faith.

2. The Bible designates one vessel to hold this kingdom community, and it is The Church. You might fraternize with other believers in coffee shops, informal communes, online chat rooms or forums, blogs, bars, or the big outdoors, but only biblical churches satisfy the discipleship need for The Church.

3. Honest Christians will differ on what constitutes a “biblical church,” and while disagreement is understandable and okay, beware of any church that says, explicitly or implicitly, “we do it right” or “we do it better” than the church down the street.

4. Ecclesiological one-upmanship (“My church is better than your church”) is a sin.

5. The reason you should not give up on church or The Church is because Jesus did not give up on you. And if He calls the church His Body, giving up on it means giving up on Him.

6. There are no perfect churches, especially if they have people in them.

7. Expecting a church to “fit” you or to always be comfortable or catering to your needs is arrogance and foolishness.

8. You can pick your friends and you can pick your church, but as in all families, you don’t get to pick who’s in The Body. Only God can do that. And when you decide certain people (or certain churches) are not worthy of your presence, ask yourself if you are worthy of God’s. (Hint: You’re not. But he came into your life anyway.)

9. My friend Bill Roberts has been doing church work for years. Two blog posts he’s written you really should read are More on “Why Church?” and Is the Bride Beautiful?.
Seriously, click on them and read. They are important.

10. If the entirety of your churchy desires consists of filling a seat to experience a good service, you are not a congregant in a church but a consumer at a concert.

11. What you win people with is what you win them to.
Win people with flash, spectacle, presentation, etc., and that’s what you win them to. Don’t be surprised if, like all consumers and what attracts them, they eventually get tired and move on to the next attraction. Don’t be surprised if, provided they remain, they continually request more, better, higher . . .

12. Church leaders don’t really need to choose between fidelity to the Gospel and engaging the culture. They just need to make sure they put them in order. First things go first and inform secondary things. Fidelity to the Gospel should inform your cultural engagement, and not vice versa. If your first aim is to please man, you will please some god, but it won’t be the God you want to please. But if your first aim is to please God, you will please some men.

13. Some men won’t be pleased if your first aim is to please God. This is called “the scandal of the cross,” or “the offense of the Gospel,” and it can’t be helped if you are faithful to God’s Word.

14. Decide if you’d rather give people what they want to hear or what they need to know. People need to know they are sinners in need of a Savior. People want to hear that deep down they’re okay and their good buddy J.C. affirms them in their okay-ness, which is b.s. that helps nobody.

15. You don’t have to beat people over the head when telling them what they need, and in fact, if preached well and practiced incarnationally, you will find that you will win more than you’d think.

16. You cannot program a church into success. Programs are great, but they are applications. They are the “how” of doing church. Give up the tyranny of results and start with the “what” and “why” questions first.

17. A church’s success should be neither entirely nor primarily measured by its attendance. Also, a church’s growth should not be entirely or primarily measured numerically.

18. It is okay to think about numbers and numeric growth. Beware of church growth philosophy extremes. But the litmus test for whether something should be done in or by a church should never be “will it increase attendance?”. Naked ladies giving away free Krispy Kremes will increase attendance. Hiring Oprah Winfrey to speak (preferably clothed) on self esteem will increase attendance. It is okay to think about and strategize for numeric growth. But when you cut corners on the Gospel or pander, you are not trusting God for that growth; you are trusting yourselves.

19. Churches that advertise more in terms of what they’re against (“religion,” “tradition,” “formality,” other churches, etc.) are playing to people’s bitterness and will likely be filled with bitter, prideful people.
Defining yourself by what you’re not gets old quick.

20. Religion is not really a bad thing. Religion just means “how faith is practiced.” Jesus was a pretty religious guy; he was observant of the Jewish feasts and festivals. He followed the Law. The New Testament book of James tells us about “pure religion.”
The word “religion” has taken on a bad connotation because of all the loser churches who took Jesus out of the equation and made religion about legalism instead of liberty in Christ.
In other words, religion does not save you; it is what you do because you are saved.

21. Tim Keller wrote, “Irreligious people seek to be their own saviors and lords through irreligion, worldly pride. ('No one tells me how to live or what to do, so I determine what is right and wrong for me!') But moral and religious people seek to be their own saviors and lords through religion, 'religious' pride. . . . Both irreligion and religion are forms of self salvation."
Since I don't think religion is inherently a bad word or a wrong concept, I would replace Keller's use of "irreligion" and "religion" with "antinomianism" and "legalism," respectively, since that's really what he means.

22. Let’s be clear: It’s not a sin to be unhip. If “religious” to you just means “not down with the times,” religion is not your problem; idolatry is.

23. C.S. Lewis said, “To go with the times is of course to go where all times go.”

24. It’s not a sin to be unhip, but it is a sin to be boring when talking about God or presenting His Word. It doesn’t actually say that in there ;-), but if you believe it is true when it says we shouldn’t be ashamed of the Gospel because it has power to save, you should at least act like you believe it.
This means that, whether you’re doing the preaching or listening to it, if you are angry, sad, or cynical more than you’re happy, joyous, and hopeful, you’re doing it wrong.

25. On the flipside of “it’s a sin to make the Gospel boring,” is that you can’t make the Bible relevant. The Bible’s already relevant. Generations of churches made it sound irrelevant but it wasn’t because they were unhip but because they were unfaithful. Be honest about, engaging with, and faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and people will see its relevance.

26. The phrase “personal relationship with Jesus,” while informed by a conflation of several very biblical ideas, is not in the Bible. Neither is “ask Jesus into your heart.”

27. Lots of people who think they have traded religion for a relationship with Jesus have actually done no such thing. They’ve just traded an outdated religion for a newer model.
It is true that works will not save you – in fact, the truth of salvation by grace in Jesus Christ should be shouted from the rooftops – but if your “Christianity” is about incorporating Jesus into your life in order to be happy or successful or generally more at peace with yourself, guess what? That’s religion. And it ain’t even a good one.

28. You can be just as prideful and in just as much “stale religiosity” in a casual, informal, rah-rah “yea Jesus” church service as you can in a dressy, formal, “serious” one, particularly if you are proud of being casual and informal and rah-rah.

29. I stole the above idea from Dallas Willard, who writes in The Divine Conspiracy, “You can be just as 'man pleasing' and 'fleshly' in extemporaneous and informal religious exercises as in preestablished and formal ones -- perhaps even more so -- especially if you are proud of being informal.”

30. Worship is about connecting with God, telling Him and your fellow worshippers how much He is worth. You can just as easily do that with loud drums and electric guitars as you can an organ (and vice versa), provided your heart’s in the right place. It has nothing to do with style and everything to do with substance. You know you care more about the former than the latter when you start thinking more about performance than praise.

31. Worship is not just something you do to music. The quality of the Christian life is one of worship.

32. These things are not things I’ve known so much as learned in my slow, imperfect journey with Jesus, and in the ongoing purification process the Bible calls “sanctification” but which I frequently think of as “becoming less stupid.”

While posting a list like this seems even to me a bit self-involved, I thought I'd at least offer the possibility that I didn't make all this stuff up. References that guide my thinking on these matters include:
1 Corinthians 12:1-27
Ephesians 2:8-22
Hebrews 10:18-25
James 2
James 4
Romans 1:16
Galatians 6:2-10
Acts 2:38-47
John 6:41-68



At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Wow!

This is an amazing post, Jared.

I personally could see this blooming into 32 chapters into a non-fiction book of yours.


At 7:06 AM, Blogger C. Evan Leonard said...

Simply my favorite post to-date.... because in many ways... it reflects (for me) where BCC had been and still was headed under the leadership of David Foster... and now that course has been changed.

In the big picture, I think people know moments and times when they have connected with God/Jesus... and for the most part... it isn't just in during an hour time span every Sunday. If it is... then there is a need to delve deeper into ourselves (heart and soul) and ask the question... is that all there is?

The answer is, of course, no. We serve a big God and He's provided a Big world where there is much to do as believers in His son, Jesus Christ. So many ways to continuously connect. We just have to connect... and that takes an ongoing, daily effort on our part. Not just putting our collective "cans" in some seats on Sunday and lapping up the Gospel which is often spoon-fed to us. Or so it seems to me at times in modern-day, contemporary churches.

And, I sometimes think we make "church on Sunday" such a focal point in our lives that we forget about the other 6 days where we are still Christians... living and working in a world in need of our witness.

But, obviously, we need to fellowship and our mindset on what that really means and what our expectations should be is very well illuminated by your bullet points here, Jared. (Was all that all you got... 30?) : - )

Hey, I'm starting to think that my daily ritual would not be the same anymore... if I couldn't stop by and gather the consistent insights and understandings you offer to those of us truly looking to connect with God... beyond just service times on Sundays.

YOU ROCK, my man!

Kind regards,

C. Evan Leonard

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Jared, I just now have
had time to read these "closely".
#27 concerns me. because I think it brushes aside those who may
be new to opening their heart to Jesus. I don't want those who
are just getting to know Jesus, and what it means to live life with HIM in their life, to be
scared away that they're not "doing it right". IF you have
had Jesus in your life for some time, it's easier to "get" what you mean, but for those readers who might be really really trying
to live it , maybe for the first time ever in their lives, can
you do a bit more explaining on this point? I hope you can through your amazing intuition,
and perception, "see" what I mean ?!
ditto to comment before,
you're an amazing teacher.


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Jared said...

Thanks, Rhonda.

I'm not sure I completely understand your question/concern, but I will do my best to explain what I mean in #27:

1. Works don't save us.
2. Making Jesus a "tool" to improve our life is another way of making the relationship about works.
3. Jesus is not a self-improvement guru or an "ingredient" for personal success.
4. I know that to some extent this may be just semantics, but I think the best emphasis in drawing new folks into the Christian life is not to invite them to add Jesus to their life but to invite them to get into the life of Jesus. It's a subtle shift, but definitely one that is significant and has more of a biblical thrust to it.

My fear, actually, is that people who try to "use Jesus" to make their lives more successful or peaceful or whatever are the ones who actually get frustrated because it's not working. They don't feel successful or peaceful despite their "relationship," when really what they've done is mistaken works for a relationship with Jesus.

I hope that helps. The way I phrased it in the post might sound like I'm making it harder for people new to the faith, but I'm actually wanting to save everybody, Christians new and old, a lot of angst, worry, and headaches. Salvation is about us being alive in Christ, not just or primarily about being "better" with Jesus' help.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

This is so good I wanted my church to read it so I posted it on my church's blog. Hope you don't mind.

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jared, along the same vein of discussion, but looking at
Point #26, on subject of asking
Jesus into our heart,
I am just now reading Purpose Driven Life, and on pg 58 ,
Rick Warren "instructs" readers to "receive" Jesus into their lives, last paragraph pg 58.
I kind of think that's the same thing. "receiving" , "asking",
is it the same or is it different?

I have taken a break from Max Lucado, and thought I'd read
this immensely-popular-book , Purpose Driven Life, and granted
I'm only on Pg 78, but I really
don't see what all the hype is/was about ? I'm not a quitter,
so I will finish it, but can't wait to get back to my Max-Lucado-addiction. His book In the Eye of the Storm was phenomenal. And what I love about his writings is
it feeds my desire to go back
and re-read the Bible, with a whole new "set of eyes".
(and your blog does the same for me)

Jared, YOU have such a gift for
writing, teaching,speaking.....
So how can we help YOU get your
writings published ? do we need
to blitz the publishing companies with fan mail ??????? if only,
it were that easy !!! right ?


At 11:39 AM, Blogger Jared said...

Hope you don't mind.

Of course not, dude! Use whatever wherever, man.


You are too kind.
I don't know how a e-mail/letter campaign would work in getting someone published, and I'm guessing my agent would say that it's his job to bring me to the attention of editors, but I am always humbled and encouraged when folks tell me I have to write a book so they can read it. I agree with them. ;-)

Now if we could just get a publisher to agree. ;-)

On "asking Jesus into your heart": I didn't mean to say that it was wrong to use those words. In #26, I say the phrases are results of combining some very biblical ideas. I just think they are misfocused. But I do not doubt the salvation of anyone who "asked Jesus into their heart." If I did, I'd have to doubt my own.

Jesus' salvation is perfect, and since he's the one who does the saving, I tend to think any words we use to receive the gift are practically moot. I even did a post at my original solo blog last year defending the salvation of people who had "asked Jesus into their heart," as a response to someone else's post that argued people who receive salvation that way made a grave error and should probably get "re-saved." I think that's using semantics to create doubt and despair in people's lives.

So while I was hoping to point out that many of the standards we use today aren't exactly drawn straight from the Bible, I didn't mean to imply that if someone came to Christ in one of those ways, he didn't really make it. I prayed the Sinner's Prayer myself.

Also, I've never read any Max Lucado, I confess. I've perused, but it just doesn't seem to my taste. I have read Warren's Purpose Driven Church but not Purpose Driven Life.

Thanks again for your kind words! Very encouraging to me.


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