Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Touching Base After Vision Night

Been a while, eh? Sorry 'bout that.

We had a crazier weekend than we expected. You ever get weirded out about how busy and tired you can get without even leaving your house?
The girls were under the weather. Becky was in a high speed collision on I-40 coming home from work Friday. She was uninjured, thank God, but obviously very sore for the next couple of days. Between her aches, trying to get the insurance and rental car stuff taken care of on a holiday weekend (it was a hit and run collision, so that complicates matters), and the girls' sniffles, we didn't make it to any service. We stayed in and rested and played and got some housework done. Monday, we did actually get to the pool for half a day, so that was nice.

Some folks are asking for my review of last week's Vision Night. I don't know what to say except that I liked it very much. Each presenter did a thorough enough job with a congenial enough spirit that I think it was more than satisfactory. The highlights for me were Lionel and Paul leading us in some great "stripped down" worship and our celebration of communion (with Pastor Conniff's preceding devotional and reflection).

Probably the most pertinent informational highlights were as follows:
a) the lead pastor search is underway
b) the Crazy Campaign is officially "dead," and you can get your money back if you want (I think), but those who don't want refunds are assured their moneys will be directed to the most urgent budgetary needs of the church at this time
c) the elder nomination and selection process is being fast-tracked.

To expound on that last item:
There were handouts, and I'm sure the info is available on the Hope Park website, but the basic rundown is this:
The congregation is able to nominate members for the position of elder. You may do this by writing a letter or using the church website to present a case for your nominee's qualifications and sufficiency for the position. It's not "he's a great guy" or "he's a smart guy"-type of thing. An elder must meet our church's specific qualifications, which are a) be a member for at least 5 years, b) be in service to the church, c) be a consistent attender, d) tithe, and e) affirm the church's faith and doctrinal stance. In addition, you might want to review the specific biblical qualifications for church overseers found, among other places, here and here. (Elders serve for 4 years.)

Once you have provided your letter of nomination, a list of nominees will be made public to the congregation. At that time, anyone with a "beef" with anybody on the list can and should address that with the church staff or the elder board.
The selection process includes multiple interviews between nominees and pastors, staff, and elders, eventually leading to the current elder board voting on incoming replacements for outgoing elders. This year, there will be 3 elders rotating off, so there will be 3 new elders, one of which will serve only 3 years. (Typically, it is just 2 elders every year, serving for 4 years.)

The time frame has been moved up, also. Normally, the nomination process is open from October 1 to October 31. This year it is September 1 to September 31, so of course, as of last Friday, nominations are being accepted. My advice to you, should you consider nominating someone, is to do so prayerfully and thoughtfully. This is not a time to get "your guy" or your "side" on the elder board. We have an opportunity to further the godly leadership of our church council, and that's what we should do. I have someone in mind to nominate, and I'm guessing you might also. Let's not nominate out of ambition or even admiration. Let's do it out of love and concern for our church.

Hope your short week is going well. I'm looking forward to the start of Conexus, and to the fresh start of our reloaded BCC vision. The best years of BCC are ahead!



At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jared, I believe the elders referred us to a passage in Acts that gives the biblical description of a church elder. Can you share those?

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Jared said...

Hmmm. I'm looking at the handout right now, and the description provided in the introduction is this: "An elder exists to provide spiritual counsel, healing, and teaching. An elder should be available to the congregation to hear their concerns and needs. An elder should view his position as service to God and the people. He should not bring to himself any credit or have a self-serving agenda."

The text references James 5:14-15 and 1 Peter 5:1-3. Later, in the qualifications portion, there are references to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
I don't see any reference to a passage from Acts, but they may have made one from the stage that night that I just don't remember.

I'll put "elder(s" in the search engine at Bible Gateway and see what it comes up with from the book of Acts.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Jared said...

I see numerous references to elders in Acts, but no passage that lists qualifications. The references are nearly all narrative; eg. "Peter and Paul came to the elders..." That sort of thing.
Sorry I couldn't be much help.


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