Monday, July 31, 2006

Full Disclosure (Sort Of)

A bit more about me than is in this site's profile:

My wife and I have lived in the Nashville area since 1997. We have attended BCC since 1998.

I was raised in a Christian home. I was baptized at 5 and saved at 12. That's weird, I know, but not uncommon for kids raised Baptist.
Actually, I like to say I was saved roundabout 2000 years ago when Jesus died for me. That's weird, I know, but it's not an uncommon "joke" for dudes who call themselves Calvinists.

I am a licensed minister (not ordained) who served on staff of a Willow Creek-model "seeker"-type church in the Houston area. The pastor there is still my mentor and very dear friend.
We started in an elementary school too.

I have taught a few small groups at BCC (maybe you were in one) on Jesus and the Gospels and basic theology. I also taught one of the traks of the new members' seminar when it was a muti-session orientation.

I do not know any of the elders or support staff personally. I have met a couple of them, but I doubt they know who I am.
I have never met Dr. Foster, although we have exchanged e-mails a few times. They were all friendly and unrelated to any conflict.
The only staff member I know on even a somewhat personal level is Dennis Conniff. I consider him a friend.

I have no "inside information." Sorry about that.

I still buy into the Big Idea that made BCC possible, which, by my understanding, is that the Gospel is for sinners and that Jesus welcomes sinners to the table of fellowship.
That said, I have always bought into the biblical idea that makes church itself possible, which is that following Jesus in community involves actually following Jesus -- that's what's called "discipleship" -- even if some folks don't want to go.

And now the thing you are probably most wondering about:
While Dr. Foster's teaching was what initially attracted us to the church, and while we have profited from it and always enjoyed it, and while we love the Fosters, we do support the elders and staff in the difficult decision they have made.

Questions/concerns can be asked and answered in the comments. Feel free to use them.


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